Choose Chelsea: Western Washtenaw Area Value Express

May 8, 2024
WAVE bus at stop

By: Lisa Carolin, Chelsea Update

Business Name: Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE)

Business address: 12172 Jackson Road, Dexter, MI 48130

Business email, telephone number, (734) 475-9494

Business hours: Office Hours – Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Business website:

Courtesy photo. One of the 15 WAVE buses serving Western Washtenaw County.
In 1976, there was one bus in Western Washtenaw County that served senior citizens and people with disabilities. Today, Western Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE) has expanded its operation to 15 vehicles that serve Western Washtenaw County, partnering with municipalities, townships, businesses, and nonprofits to transport people.

WAVE is a 501c3 run by a board of directors.

“It was started when a group of Chelsea citizens saw a need for transportation,” said Shasta Grifka, WAVE’s community relations coordinator. “We are a rural transportation company that comes to the riders, and we don’t just offer fixed routes. We drive to riders’ homes to pick them up even if they live on dirt roads or in rural areas.”

This spring, WAVE began offering a phone app called Ride Pingo that can be used to download and book a door-to-door ride.

“WAVE now offers door-to-door service from Western Washtenaw County to anywhere in Washtenaw County,” said Grifka. “We have three fixed routes and provide shuttles to community events.”

Courtesy photo. The interior of one of the WAVE buses.
WAVE will also be expanding its door-to-door hours and increasing the size of its fleet of buses and vans including some that use alternative fuel.

Grifka says WAVE is proud to make it so that more people have access to more transportation options.

“They will have a driver who greets them, hassle-free travel, and freedom to get where they need to in Washtenaw County,” she said.